Paddy Power Sky-Tweeting
Our brief was simply to disrupt the Ryder Cup and generate an impact for Paddy Power on both sides of the Atlantic. With what became 3 iconic flights we helped fans around the world support the European team directly over the course. The skywriting tied in directly to the period where the European team rallied to win the Ryder Cup in the greatest come back in sporting history. The activation was shown on both Sky Sports and NBC for over two hours across the weekend, with every key player on the course reacting to the messages in the sky. Hundreds of articles referenced the skywriting generating millions in direct PR exposure for Paddy Power.
In an astonishing example of the on-course impact the BBC captured the world’s number one golfer asking his caddy to grab his IPhone to capture and share the skywriting. Three of the European Ryder Cup team cited the skywriting as having inspired them with one re-tweeting the official image and Paddy Power as being legendary. What started as a marketing exercise became one of the greatest pieces of guerilla marketing ever attempted and Paddy Powers most successful PR stunt.
AMD Uses Skytypers to Outmaneuver Intel

Target your Skytypers message directly at your competitor’s venue or event or target audience.
Skytypers can go anywhere you select.
In a dazzling display of ”guerilla marketing”, computer chip maker AMD stole the show from their arch-rival at the Intel Developer Conference in San Francisco. To remind all the technical attendees that their chip will be major competition for the Intel chip, AMD had Skytypers put their Turion 64 chip message right over the top of the conference itself.
Not only did the attendees get the message, all the media surrounding the conference, including Internet based media, picked up the story, and sent the AMD brand name all over the world with our Aerial Ads.
Now that’s unique and extremely effective branding. See some of the media and press below.
AMD spoils Intel’s fun with sky display
Intel Developer Forum Ack ack hack attack
By INQUIRER staff: Wednesday 02 March 2005, 20:02
CHIP FIRM AMD often attempts to pull off a stunt at the time of the Intel Developer Forum. And this time it took to the sky in a bid to remind Intel that it has a dual core Turion 64 notebook processor on the way.
Four or five planes flying in a line spelt out the words AMD Turion 64 Mobility in the rather nice blue skies above San Francisco.
At the last IDF, AMD kept a stretch limo near the Moscone conference centre, but were told to get lost by a cop packing a gun.
submitted by abaxter Wednesday, March 02, 2005
AMD is writing messages to Intel in the sky above San Francisco
You have to love rivalries, and in the world of processors Intel and AMD is a good one. The scrappy and much smaller AMD did the equivalent of sticking its tongue out at the giant chip maker Intel by having “AMD Turion 64” written across the skies above a currently running Intel Developer Conference. AMD Turion 64 is a processor slated to be released next month by AMD that will go head to head with Intel’s Pentium M processor that currently dominates the notebook market. AMD and notebook manufacturing companies will launch a marketing blitz in mid-April when this processor debuts. For now they’re just building a little hype and being cheaky in regards to Intel with this marketing.